The program of the → 15. International Dermoscopy Course, Zürich 2023.
08.00 |
Registration and Coffee
09.00 |
Introduction |
Prof. T. Kündig
09.10 |
Dermoscopy criteria and histopathological correlation |
Prof. R. Braun
09.40 |
2 Step algorithm and benign nevus patterns |
Prof. A. Marghoob
10.10 |
Benign non melanocytic lesions / nevus pattern |
Prof. R. Hunger
10.30 |
Quiz cases |
Dr. O. Gaide
11.00 |
Coffee break sponsored by Amgen
11.30 |
Basal cell carcinoma |
Dr. A. Marghoob
11.45 |
Squamous cell carcinoma and actinic keratosis |
Dr. O. Gaide
12.05 |
Melanoma specific structures |
Prof. A. Marghoob
12.45 |
Quiz cases |
Prof. R. Hunger
13.00 |
Lunch around the sponsors by Almirall
14.00 |
Acral lesions |
Prof. L. Thomas
14.20 |
Lesions of the face |
Prof. W.Stolz
14.40 |
Nail dermoscopy |
Prof. L. Thomas
15.00 |
Quiz cases |
Prof. W. Stolz
15.30 |
Coffee break sponsored by Dermlite
16.00 |
Nevi in context |
Prof. A. Marghoob
16.30 |
Quiz cases |
Prof. A. Marghoob
17.00 |
Closing remarks |
Prof. R. Braun
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