International Online Dermoscopy Course - Program


The program of the → International Online Dermosopy Course.

Videos covering foundations

Dermoscopy criteria with histopathological correlation Ralph Braun 75 mins
Introduction to the new 2 step algorithm Ashfaq Marghoob 35 mins

Videos covering organized (benign) patterns

Nevus patterns Ashfaq Marghoob 40 mins
Intradermal nevi Ashfaq Marghoob 20 mins
Dermatofibroma Ralph Braun 15 mins
Seborrheic keratoses (including solar lentigo, ink spot lentigo) Ralph Braun 45 mins
Other non melanocytic lesions (Angioma / Angiokeratoma, Sebaceous hyperplasia, Clear cell acanthoma, Poroma) Ralph Braun 20 mins

Videos covering disorganized patterns

Basal cell carcinoma Ashfaq Marghoob 45 mins
Squamous cell carcinoma Ralph Braun 30 mins
Melanoma Ashfaq Marghoob 60 mins

Videos covering difficult to diagnose melanomas

Difficult to diagnose melanomas Ashfaq Marghoob 75 mins

Videos covering the 2 step algorithm

Cases Ashfaq Marghoob 45 mins

Videos covering special locations

Volar lesions Ashfaq Marghoob 50 mins
Face Ralph Braun 65 mins
Mucosa Ashfaq Marghoob 15 mins
Nail dermoscopy Ralph Braun 60 mins
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