Microlearning Dermoscopy Course - Program
From dermoscopy.ch
The program of the → Microlearning Dermoscopy Course.
Videos covering Foundations
- Course introduction
- Introduction to dermatopathology
- Normal histology
- Role of colors in dermoscopy
- Nomenclature of structures
- Pigment network
- typical pigment network
- atypical pigment network
- pseudo pigment network
- negative pigment network
- dots
- globules
- dots and globules
- pseudopods
- radial steaming
- streaks
- blue white veil
- regression structures
- granularity peppering
- blue white structures
- structureless areas
- shiny white structures
- seb-like cysts
- angioma
- anatomy of special locations
- mitoses
- classification and summary
Videos covering the Two step algorithm
Two step algorithm
- Introduction to 2 step algorithm
- nevi
- DF
- angioma
- sebaceous hyperplasia
- sebk
- Poroma
- Xanthogranuloma
- from step 1 to step 2
- melanoma
- step 2b
- special locations
Videos covering Organized (benign) patterns
Nevus patterns
- introduction to nevus pattern
- reticular pattern
- reticular homogenous
- globular nevi
- peripheral globular
- starburst pattern
- homogenous pattern
- nevus in context
- nevus summary
Intradermal nevi
- Unna nevus
- miescher nevus
- IDN vs BCC
- Introduction
- Classification
- peripheral reticulation central white blotch
- shiny white streaks
- punk hue
- hemosiderotic DF
- xanthomized DF
- DF simulating other diagnosis
- melanoma simulating DF
- Classification
- peripheral reticulation
- central white blotch
Seborrheic keratoses
- introduction and classificationmp4
- moth eaten border fingerprinting
- milia like cysts and comedo like openings
- fissures and ridges
- hairpin blood vessels
- pitfalls
- globules vs comedo like openings
- traumatized sk
- pigmented sk
- blink sign
- ink test
- wobble sign
- solar lentigo
- ink spot lentigo
Videos covering Disorganized patterns
Basal cell carcinoma
- introduction
- leaf like structures
- spoke wheel like structures
- concentric structures
- BCC vs streaks
- blue gray dots and globules
- blue gray ovoid nest
- BCC vs IDN
- arborizing vessels
- short fine telangiectasia
- erosions
- blotches and strands
- may globules
- pinkus
- management
Squamous cell carcinoma
- introduction
- non pigmented ak face
- non pigmented ak extra facial
- pigmented ak
- non pigmented Bowen / SCC
- pigmented bowen
- keratoacanthoma
- introduction
- network
- angulated lines
- streaks
- negative network
- shiny white streaks
- blotch
- dots
- globules
- blue white veil
- peripheral tan areas
- vessels
- global pattern
- specific pattern
Videos covering Difficult to diagnose melanomas
Difficult to diagnose melanomas
- introduction
- nodular melanoma
- desmoplastic melanoma
- nevoid melanoma
- spitzoid melanoma
- amelanotic melanoma
- metastatic melanoma
- verrucous melanoma
- sundamaged skin
- featureless
Videos with Cases
- case 1
- case 2
- case 3
- case 4
- case 5
- case 6
- case 7
- case 8
- case 9
- case 10
- case 11
- case 12
- case 13
- case 14
- case 15
- case 16
- case 17
- case 18
- case 19
- case 20
- case 21
Videos covering Special locations
Volar lesions
- introduction
- Parallel ridge pattern
- exceptions
- amelanotic
- fibrillar pattern
- furrow pattern
- lattice like pattern
- non typical pattern
- other lesions
- introduction
- lentigo seb k
- lentigo maligna
- pigmented AK
- nevi other
- introduction
- benign pattern
- melanoma
- LSA nevi
- summary
- introduction
- free edge dermoscopy
- nail hemorrhage
- non melanocytic
- fungus pseudomonas
- gray bands
- regular brown bands
- irregular brown bands
- special attention
- onychopapilloma
- onychomatricoma